Back by popular demand! Couples are invited to join us on Tuesday evenings for a fun night of golf. Each week will be a new game to play. This league is as competitive as you wish, but high on fun! After golf, enjoy dinner on the patio or grill and we will throw in a “flash gift” with any dinner order.
Weeks of Play: May 20 – Aug. 12 (no play July 1)
Tee times between 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Couples will make tee times on a weekly basis. Any open tee times by Sunday at 5:00 p.m. will be offered to public golfers. Each week you will register for a tee time for the next week using an access code to enter our tee sheet. Couples will be able to sign up each week with the couple you choose or pair up with a new couple each week to meet new people. If you are unable to play on a week, no worries! You do not need to sign up for a tee time – but be prepared to make a tee time for the next week. Field size is limited to 18 couples. Register early as these spots will fill up fast.
Registration Fee – $100 per couple (includes prizes and flash “gifts” weekly)
Weekly green/cart fees: $80 riding, $52 walking per couple
14 in stock (can be backordered)