Congratulations and welcome to the River Oaks Golf Course Bocce Ball Invitational. Teams are invited based on their play in their respective leagues. The information and rules below are specific to this tournament and it is expected that all teams are familiar with and abide by them. All games will be played at River Oaks Golf Course on Sunday September 24th at 3 p.m. All teams must have a minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 4 members.
Entry fees are $40 per team, due at registration. A maximum of 8 teams invited can register. At the end of the tournaments, winning teams will be rewarded payout in club credit (1st place $140/team, 2nd place $80/team, 3rd place $50/team, Consolation Champ $50/team).
Invitational Date/Format
The invitational will begin at 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 24th. The eight teams registered for the tournament will be randomly seeded 1-8, and will be matched up in a 8 team bracket. Each team will be guaranteed two games.
Unlike league play, the invitational will take place on one day. Therefore, each matchup will consist of ONLY ONE GAME. Each game will be a race to 21 points (must win by 2 AND can go over 21) to advance to the next game. Winners of the first games will advance to the Championship Bracket, and the losers will advance to the Consolation Bracket.
League Regulations
1. It is the team manager’s responsibility to ensure that all players have read through the rules and regulations and abide by them. The game of Bocce is played with eight (8) large bocce balls and one small target ball called the “pallino.” The object of the game is to roll the bocce ball closest to the pallino. There are two balls per person, with four players that make up a playing team. Two players from each team are stationed at each end of the court for each game.
2. Starting the Match: The home team listed each week, choses if they want to throw the pallino first or choose ball color. The visiting team will receive the other option. A minimum of 2 players must be present to start a game. A two or three player team may play, throwing only two balls per player. If a team has only three players, they must rotate the two throwers each end. Players in this scenario can not play more than two consecutive ends.
3. Beginning Play/Throwing out the pallino: The higher seeded team will throw the first pallino toss into play. A legal pallino toss must occur before the player crosses the foul line. The pallino must be past the center line but not further than the far foul line. If the pallino toss does not comply with the above rules, they will have an opportunity for a second toss. Teams will alternate throws until a legal pallino has been tossed, with each team having two opportunities if needed.
4. Throwing Bocce Balls: The team that threw the playable pallino ball will throw the first colored ball. That team must establish a point. If that ball is touching or over the far foul line, it is a dead ball, and the ball is removed from play. They will continue throwing until they have established a point.
The opposing team will then throw until they have established a point (closest to the pallino, aka the “inside” team). The team that has not established a point will throw until they have no balls remaining. If the team that established a point, has any balls remaining, they will throw them all.
a. All throws must be completed from behind the foul line.
b. Players on a team do not need to alternate throws. Players may throw two consecutive balls.
c. All players must remain outside of the court while the opposing team is rolling.
d. Be respectful of all players and teams. No heckling!
e. Any ball that is touching or past the far foul line is a dead ball and removed from play.
f. If the pallino leaves the playing area or goes past the far foul line, it will be picked up and placed in the center of far foul line.
g. Players may use the sideboard(s) at any time.
h. All scoring will be made from the final position of the pallino ball.
i. If a player rolls the wrong colored ball, simply replace it with the correct ball when it comes to rest.
j. If a player rolls out of turn, return the thrown ball and replace any moved balls back to their approximate location before the ball was thrown.
k. If a ball is moved before all eight balls are played, the opposing team replaces the ball or balls to the approximate original position.
l. Any bocce ball that was tossed from beyond the foul line will be considered dead, and any contacted balls will be replaced to their approximate original location.
m. Shooting, which is lofting the ball in the air beyond the center of the court, is not allowed.
5. Scoring: Only the “inside” team scores. One point is given for each bocce ball of the “inside” team that is closer to the pallino than any bocce ball of the opposing team. A bonus point will be given to any ball that is “kissing” the pallino. If, at the end of any frame, the closest ball of each team is equidistant from the pallino, the frame ends in a tie and no points are awarded to either team. Captains of each team are responsible for keeping score, and for reporting the results of the match.
6. Measurements: All measurements will be made from the inside dimension of the bocce ball to the inside dimension of the pallino. Only a team captain from each of the opposing teams may be present during the measurements. Anyone from either team may call for a measurement. Any team member who moves a questioned ball, will result in the point in question going to the opposing team. Tape measures will be provided on location.
7. Starting the next end: The team that scored on the previous end will have control of the pallino toss on the next end.
Due to the limited time, if weather does cause us to cancel the tournament, there will be no make up date. Refunds will be issued within 48 hours (*may take banks longer to process*) of cancelling the tournament.