River Oaks invites gentlemen to participate in a weekly game on Tuesday mornings. Teams will compete for weekly team low totals and individuals will try to 1-up the rest of the field each week. An active GHIN handicap is required, and River Oaks is pleased to activate or get you set up with a GHIN handicap.
Entry fee $90/player (includes prizes, GHIN, end of year event/dinner). Does not include weekly green or cart fees.
Play begins on April 22 – Sept. 9 (possible 21 weeks of play)
Games /Handicap –
• Individual weekly games (stableford, quota, low net etc.) Flighted by handicap.
• New this year is a weekly team element for prizes.
• Team Game: 3 of 4 net team game each week.
• Subs are encouraged to join to fill teams.
• Handicaps will be adjusted to tees of play.
• White or Gold are recommended based on the tee that will challenge you, yet provide enjoyment.
• Players may rotate between flights each week based on number of players participating.
• Weekly CTP on Par 3’s, weekly based on Flight.
Players/teams from 2024 leagues have a pre-registration window to secure a spot/tee time between Feb. 1 – Feb. 28.
New players/teams will be placed on the sub/waitlist and active team captains will have an opportunity to draft you for the season or on a week to week basis. Subs are not required to pay league fee, unless drafted to a team.
*Players 62+ and older will be eligible to participate in the senior club championship. TBD.
$4 Hole in On Insurance is optional – If you achieve a hole in one during your league round, you will get a $100 Gift Certificate to River Oaks
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